
New Trainees Join Operations

We’re delighted to welcome our latest trainees to the company!

Freddie Smart (orange overalls) is with us for the next six months and is learning skills at our Chesterfield workshop before going to the University of Sheffield’s AMRC Training Centre to undertake his Level 3 Mechatronics apprenticeship. William Penny (grey top) is currently doing his Level 3 Mechatronics apprenticeship, also at the AMRC. A very warm welcome to both!

Freddie Smart

As a company we are committed to employing young people in the industry and investing in the next generation of British engineering.

For a number of years now we’ve worked closely with the AMRC Training Centre and have seen a number of staff come through the apprenticeship programme and establish themselves as well-regarded, key members of our Operations team.

William Penny